Wii 4.3U/E Homebrew/SoftMod & USB Loader Hack Guide

Hack your Wii 4.3 to play Wii games off an external USB HDD, with the quickest method.
 If you softmodded then update, you need to downgrade!

Basically a guide with 5 Steps (6th optional step) to install the Homebrew channel,
SoftMod your Wii 4.3, and several more to use an external HDD (USBLoader)
to play your Wii games.
You can fit an average of 250 Wiigames in a 1 TB HDD! All files are provided below.

Wii 4.3 PDF Guide [SoftMod, USBLoader] http://fileups.net/2H8S73
Wii 4.3 SoftMod + USBLoader Files  http://fileups.net/2H8tb